
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

“Billionaire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of the American West”

It’s a site of stunning natural beauty. It’s also the place with America’s worst income inequality. A new book details how Wyoming’s Teton County elite have, perhaps unwittingly, used their extreme wealth to remake the region through conservation easements and donations to environmental causes, but remain blind to the needs of the area’s poorer residents. The latest BookShelf review explains.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Louisiana Governor Vetoes Harsh Pipeline Trespass Bill

"Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on Friday vetoed a bill that would have stiffened penalties for trespassing on pipelines, levees and a long list of other facilities in the state. The veto handed a victory to civil liberties advocates and local organizers, who said the bill would have trampled on their right to protest industrial development."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/15/2020

"EPA Faces Lawsuit Alleging Failure To Update Flaring Requirements"

"A coalition of environmental groups is taking legal action against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the agency’s alleged failure to update requirements for an industrial process for burning pollutants."

Source: The Hill, 06/12/2020

"White House Faces Suit On Order Lifting Endangered Species Protections"

"An environmental group on Tuesday said it will sue the White House if President Trump doesn’t walk back an executive order that waives endangered species protections along with a host of other environmental laws."

Source: The Hill, 06/11/2020

Iowa Quietly Passes Its 3rd Ag-Gag Bill After Constitutional Challenges

"In the midst of uprisings against police brutality across the U.S., Iowa legislators quietly passed a bill on Friday to increase penalties for animal rights activism that has targeted the factory farming industry. Debates in both the state House and Senate were followed rapidly by votes in favor of the legislation. The bill now awaits the governor’s signature."

Source: The Intercept, 06/11/2020

Green Groups Back Protesters -- But Grapple With Own Issues With Race

"Green groups are expressing full-throated support for demonstrators protesting the killing of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis police custody — even as they struggle with their own long-standing issues with addressing racial inequality and a lack of diversity in their ranks."

Source: Washington Post, 06/05/2020

DNC Panel Calls For Larger Investment On Climate Than Current Biden Plan

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) Climate Council — which formed to push the party on climate issues — on Thursday released a set of policy recommendations for a greater investment than presumptive nominee Joe Biden’s climate plan."

Source: The Hill, 06/05/2020
June 5, 2020

Stories from the Frontlines: Journalists and Protests with CNN's Brian Stelter

Join CNN Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter as he talks with journalists covering the protests over the death of George Floyd. Why have journalists faced such unprecedented harassment, intimidation and detainment during this fast-moving story? How can they protect themselves and get the access they need to keep their communities informed going forward? An SPJ Live Online Session, 12:00 p.m. ET.



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