Energy & Fuel

"US Regulators Approve Louisiana LNG Plant Over Climate Objections"

"Federal regulators on Thursday approved a Louisiana liquefied natural gas project that has been a lightning rod for environmental activists and an energy policy litmus test for President Joe Biden's administration."

Source: Reuters, 06/28/2024

"Another Chemical Recycling Plant Closure Offers ‘Flashing Red Light’"

"For the second time this year, a chemical recycling plant built to turn waste into usable products has closed, casting further doubt on the viability of an upstart industry that has been plagued by financial and technical challenges in its effort to scale up."

Source: EHN, 06/28/2024
July 9, 2024

SciLine Media Briefing: Climate Change and the Green Energy Transition

SciLine’s next media briefing will cover what the latest scientific research says about U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, progress towards reductions targets, factors that encourage or deter people from accepting new sources of energy and much more. 1-2 p.m. ET.

July 9, 2024

Inside OffsetsDB, a Carbon Offset Repository From CarbonPlan

In this webinar, hosted by The Journalist's Resource, CarbonPlan research scientist Grayson Badgley and editorial lead Maggie Koerth will walk participants through the ins-and-outs of OffsetsDB, an open-access database of carbon offsets projects from around the world. 12:00 p.m. ET.


"CREW Files Bribery Complaint Against Trump Over Oil Industry Donations"

"The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has filed a criminal bribery complaint urging the Justice Department to investigate former President Trump’s solicitation of campaign donations from fossil fuel executives."

Source: The Hill, 06/26/2024


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