
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

June 5, 2020

Covering Protests: Journalists Under Attack

Join the International Center for Journalists, 10:00 a.m. ET, for a special event on the alarming trend of police targetting journalists covering protests, featuring Linda Tirado, a freelance photojournalist who was blinded in one eye while covering the Minneapolis protests; Branden Hunter, Detroit Free Press; Maria Salazar-Ferro, CPJ; and Ahmer Khan, winner of the 2020 Human Rights Press Award for his coverage of unrest in Kashmir.


"Floyd Protests: Could Tear Gas Blasts Lead To More Cases of COVID-19?"

"From Washington to Los Angeles, the scene has become eerily mundane in the last week: The soft thud of a tear gas canister landing on pavement, followed by a billow of white smoke enveloping a throng of fleeing demonstrators."

Source: Greenwire, 06/04/2020

As Floyd Protests Rage, Climate Activists Embrace Racial Justice

"When New York Communities for Change helped lead a demonstration of 500 on Monday in Brooklyn to protest George Floyd's killing in Minneapolis, the grassroots group's activism spoke to a long-standing link between police violence against African Americans and environmental justice."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/04/2020

SEJ Speaks Out Against Police Assaults on Journalists

There have been multiple incidents over the last few days of police spraying tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets at journalists covering demonstrations and unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd, who died in police custody in Minneapolis last week. These assaults represent an attack on the freedoms to which all Americans are entitled under the U.S. Constitution. SEJ calls on all law enforcement officers and agencies to respect journalists’ First Amendment right to cover the demonstrations as well as police conduct. The people have a right to know, more than ever before, during this critical time.


While No One Was Watching — Changing Enviro Regs Under Trump

Regulations that sprang from cornerstone environmental laws in place for decades are now under attack by the Trump administration, per legal experts in a recent webinar co-sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists and Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Get key takeaways and resources from the event from SEJ’s Dale Willman. Plus, watch the full webinar video.

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NEPA Rollback, EPA Science Rules Threaten Transparency; Plus, Pandemic Press Restrictions?

A long-standing law designed to protect public information about environmental impacts is facing an unfavorable overhaul, while a proposal dictating how EPA uses scientific findings in its rulings is nearing finalization. WatchDog has those items, plus how states are using the COVID-19 pandemic to restrict press and more.

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