
July 9, 2024

SciLine Media Briefing: Climate Change and the Green Energy Transition

SciLine’s next media briefing will cover what the latest scientific research says about U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, progress towards reductions targets, factors that encourage or deter people from accepting new sources of energy and much more. 1-2 p.m. ET.


Pulling Back the Curtain on the Plunder of the Planet

“Pitfall: The Race to Mine the World’s Most Vulnerable Places,” a new work by investigative journalist Christopher Pollon, offers a sweeping global view of how the mining industry profits, despite causing vast environmental losses and failing to acknowledge Indigenous ownership or rights to the land it mines. BookShelf’s Melody Kemp lauds Pollon’s searing observations and investigations. Read her review.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Tracking the EPA Agenda Through Agency Grants

Much of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency accomplishes, whether cleaning up water, shoring up infrastructure or reducing climate change, is done through its grants program. To help track that spending, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox points reporters to an enhanced EPA grant database tool that lets you search by geography and across other databases. More on how to make the most of it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Rethinking Rural Reporting — How To Get Past the Cliches

When covering rural America, mainstream media often defaults to stereotypes steeped in politics and ignores the diversity that actually exists there, as expanding news deserts exacerbate the problem. Reporter Claire Carlson on why this matters — including in discouraging investment around climate change or resource industries urban dwellers depend on. Here’s how journalists can report richer, more nuanced stories about rural people and places.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 27, 2024 to September 29, 2024

Canadian Animal Law Conference

Animal Justice's annual event, this year in Toronto, includes sessions on aquatic animal law & ethics, agricultural exceptionalism, "enriched" cages, selective media coverage, ag gag laws, wildlife policies, biodiversity and more. A related Student Animal Law Conference takes place on Sep 27 (travel funding available). 

July 19, 2024 to October 18, 2024

IJ4EU Confidential: Unveiling the Secrets of Complex Investigations

This Investigative Journalism for Europe webinar series delves into the backstories of collaborative journalistic projects in Europe and beyond. Taking place on the third Friday of every month, it continues July 19 with "Investigating Russia’s drone war in Ukraine: The making of Russia’s War, Europe’s Burden." 14:00 CEST (8:00 a.m. ET).


Why the Press Needs To Press for Senate Action on the PRESS Act

A promising federal shield law that would protect journalists from jail for refusing to reveal sources months ago passed the House of Representatives but has since stalled in the Senate. The new WatchDog Opinion column can tell you why … and why this measure, dubbed the PRESS Act, matters so much for reporters, including those that cover climate and the environment.

SEJ Publication Types: 

The EPA’s Power Plant Rule … We’ll See You in Court

A new federal rule to cut power plant pollution and carbon dioxide emissions promises to escalate a yearslong, highly partisan battle at the core of U.S. climate change policy. Our Issue Backgrounder lays out the shifting regulatory approaches from the administrations of George W. Bush to Joe Biden, and notes the legal tug-of-war that has heightened the importance of another big player — the Supreme Court.

SEJ Publication Types: 

‘Green’ Steel: Five Things To Know About the U.S. Transition

Plans for two new U.S. facilities that will use hydrogen instead of coal to make steel hold the promise of decarbonizing this essential but dirty industry. But don’t expect overnight change. Reporter Maria Gallucci looks at the complexities of making the switch, from ditching the ​blast furnace to reducing pollution all along the supply chain.

SEJ Publication Types: 

New PFAS Drinking Water Rule Promises Local Stories

New federal regulations governing a group of “forever chemicals” under the Safe Drinking Water Act — a rule years in the making — have important implications for local drinking water supplies and, per the latest TipSheet, local environment reporting. A look at the problem with PFAS, the complicated route to its regulation and more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

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