
"A New Old Way To Combat Toxic Algae: Float It Up, Then Skim It Off"

"In Florida, the Army Corps of Engineers is working to combat a growing environmental menace: blue-green algae. Nitrogen and phosphorus runoff from farms and subdivisions combines with warm summer weather to create massive blooms of algae in rivers and lakes that can be toxic."

Source: NPR, 07/30/2019

Mongolia Capital Bans Coal To Fix Its Pollution Problem. Will It Work?

"Welcome to the coldest capital city on earth — Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia — where the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit at night. The city's population has nearly tripled since 1989. Without infrastructure to service all 1.4 million people, residents off the electric grid are burning raw coal to stay warm. The result? Winters with extreme air pollution."

Source: NPR, 07/30/2019

Fearing Oil Spills, Tribe Sues to Get Pipeline Removed from Its Land

"Driven by fears of rapid erosion that threatens to expose a crude oil pipeline to rushing water, a Native American tribe is suing pipeline giant Enbridge to force it to remove an aging pipeline whose easement through the reservation has expired."

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/26/2019

Carmakers, Rejecting Trump Pollution Rule, Strike Deal With California

"Four of the world’s largest automakers have struck a deal with California to reduce automobile emissions, siding with the state in its fight with President Trump over one of his most consequential regulatory rollbacks."

Source: NY Times, 07/26/2019

"High Cancer Risk Plagues Louisiana Town Near Chemical Plants"

"RESERVE, Louisiana — In a Louisiana town of 10,000 people, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said there is some of the most toxic air in America. More than 100 petrochemical plants and refineries dot the corridor between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, often referred to as 'cancer alley.'"

Source: CBS News, 07/25/2019


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