
Bikes Make Path for Local Environment Stories

When it comes to bringing environmental stories home to your audience, don’t soft-pedal the topic of bicycling. Bikes are a way in to the issue of climate, as well as health and infrastructure. The most recent TipSheet has more on why you can ride the bike beat for your local reporting

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Bill Wehrum, an Architect of EPA Rollbacks, Faces New Ethics Inquiry"

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general will investigate allegations that William L. Wehrum, the agency’s former air quality chief, violated ethics rules when he met with former clients from his days as a lawyer and lobbyist for the oil, gas and coal industries."

Source: NY Times, 07/23/2019

"Agency Says Mining Near Okefenokee Poses ‘Substantial Risks’"

"The federal agency that manages the vast wildlife refuge in the Okefenokee Swamp says a private company’s plan to mine minerals near the swamp edge could pose “substantial risks” to the environment, and some damage may be irreversible."

Source: AP, 07/22/2019

EPA Won't Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Linked To Children’s Health Problems

"The Environmental Protection Agency rejected a petition by environmental and public health groups Thursday to ban a widely used pesticide that has been linked to neurological damage in children, even though a federal court said last year there was “no justification” for such a decision."

Source: Washington Post, 07/19/2019


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