Journalism & Media

April 1, 2021

DEADLINE: Green River Field Institute

This journalistic exploration of the Green River’s Desolation Canyon in Utah, Jun 12-18, 2021, will focus on inquiry, truth-telling and resonance in the realm of Western water resources, hosted by SEJ member Heather Hansman (pictured at left), author of "Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West." Register by Apr 1 or earlier; space is limited.


SEJ Urges Interior To Let the Sun Shine In Again

The Society of Environmental Journalists sent a letter on February 19, 2021 to Interior Secretary-Designate Debra Haaland with a list of more than a dozen recommendations for letting the sun shine more fully in the Department of the Interior, including respecting the vital role that journalists play in our democracy. Read text of the letter.

February 23, 2024

DEADLINE: National Science-Health-Environment Reporting Fellowships

Applications are open for the third round of National Science-Health-Environment Reporting Fellowships (SHERF), a collaboration of the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) and the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ). Early-career US journalists will receive training, networking, mentoring, new sources and story ideas — while allowing them to stay at their jobs. Read the announcement, attend an informational meeting on Feb. 7 or apply now (Feb 23 deadline).


DuPont Sold La. Plant Amid Fears Over Cost Of Offsetting Toxic Emissions

"Chemicals giant DuPont decided to sell a plant in south Louisiana that emits a likely cancer causing pollutant, citing “major concerns” that government agencies would regulate its emissions to protect the community living nearby, internal documents seen by the Guardian reveal."

Source: Guardian, 02/18/2021

"Firefighters Face Lies, 'Phony' Studies on PFAS Exposure"

"Firefighters attempting to uncover the truth about carcinogens in their protective clothing are confronted with the same playbook chemical companies have used for decades: twisting science to deny and downplay the dangers of their products."

Source: E&E News, 02/18/2021

"Texas Was Warned a Decade Ago Its Grid Was Unready for Cold"

"Federal regulators warned Texas that its power plants couldn’t be counted on to reliably churn out electricity in bitterly cold conditions a decade ago, when the last deep freeze plunged 4 million people into the dark."

Source: Bloomberg, 02/18/2021
February 19, 2021

Workshop: How Professional Communicators Decode Climate Misinformation

Join Climate Central, 1-2pm ET, in a conversation with academic experts and journalists for advice on recognizing, decoding, avoiding and covering climate misinformation. Includes live Q&A. Registration required.



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