Journalism & Media

February 9, 2021

AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards Program

Join ​the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards program at 12:00 p.m. ET for a ceremony honoring their Diamond Anniversary winners.  It will be held in conjunction with the virtual 2021 AAAS Annual Meeting, and you must sign in as a meeting registrant.

Topics on the Beat: 

Climate Scientist Mann Wants a Court to Affirm the Truth of His Science

"When Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann first threatened to sue two conservative bloggers and their publishers for defamation in 2012, they seemed to welcome the opportunity for a face-off in court."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/08/2021

SEJ Wall of Heroes

Journalists are heroes of democracy. We're asking you to honor your journalism heroes by supporting SEJ's work to increase and improve environmental journalism. If you have a journalism hero, tell us using #HonoringTheHeroes. Make a contribution to SEJ in their name and we'll add them to our Wall of Heroes. And you'll both know that you're helping the reporters who tell the world's greatest stories.

Topics on the Beat: 

SEJ Calls on U.S. EPA To Renew Commitment for Journalists To Inform Public

February 3, 2021 — SEJ wrote to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Administrator-Designate Michael Regan, calling for the agency to take steps to ensure that journalists are able to effectively convey essential information to the public. The letter says, in part, "We are calling on President Biden and you as Administrator to commit the agency to restoring government openness and transparency, and to respect the vital role that journalists play in our democracy." Read the letter.


Top Biden Climate Advisor, Others Preview 2021 Energy and Enviro News

President Biden’s national climate advisor Gina McCarthy joined an outspoken U.S. senator and a roundtable of elite journalists last week to preview dramatic changes possibly ahead in U.S. and international climate policy, environmental justice, clean energy and more. Get the upshot from the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 2021 Guide to Energy & Environment event. Plus, watch video of the full program.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 11, 2021

Tom Pelton: Blue Collar Environmentalism and the Red/Blue Divide

Journalist and author Tom Pelton will speak via Zoom, 6:00 p.m. ET, about how focusing on nuts and bolts issues like litter, sewage, and septic systems can help bridge the divide between 'red' and 'blue' America over environmental issues. Q&A to follow.



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