Journalism & Media

EPA Science Integrity Overhaul a Chance To Get Media Access Right

Government suppression of science harms not just journalists, but also the public in its ability to get crucial information and trust in science, not to mention government integrity. So now is the time, asserts the new WatchDog opinion column, for news media to engage intensely over government scientific integrity policies in the making, to be sure that agencies like the EPA get it right.

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Teaching Environmental Journalism. For the First Time. In a Pandemic.

An initiate to the ways of teaching collegiate journalism winds her way through unique obstacles of a first term under COVID-19, from students reporting in masks to class sessions on computer screens. Not to mention the already onerous challenges of training young journalists to report and write a range of environmental stories. EJ Academy has her story, from the stumbles to the successes.

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Biden Rollbacks of Trump Energy-Efficiency Cuts Generate Local Stories

From cardigans to orange tans, the history of presidential politics around energy efficiency has been an odd one. But the story of so-called nega-watts is actually a compelling one. And with new efficiency rules being eyed by the Biden administration, it’s also time for reporters to explore the local angle to energy savings. Our latest TipSheet explains how.

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March 26, 2021

DEADLINE: iLCP Associate Fellow

Fellowship in the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) is for professional conservation photographers and filmmakers who devote their professional efforts to the promotion of positive conservation impacts around the globe. Apply by Mar 26, 2021 (fee applies).

May 20, 2024

DEADLINE: International Documentary Film Festival Flahertiana

The 2024 festival is scheduled for Sep 20-27 in Perm, Russia. Documentary filmmakers worldwide may submit new full- or short-length films directed in 2023 or 2024. Entries must reflect the style of documentarian Robert Flaherty and his film "Nanook of the North." Cash prizes. Deadline: May 20.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 14, 2024

DEADLINE: National Press Club Scholarship Opportunities

The National Press Club offers five scholarships in 2024 for students pursuing journalism, high school to graduate studies, three supporting diversity in the field. Deadlines: Feb 18, Apr 10 and 14.

Topics on the Beat: 

Indian Judge Grants Bail To Climate Activist Charged With Sedition

"A New Delhi court on Tuesday granted bail to 22-year-old climate activist, saying there was “scanty and sketchy evidence” of sedition in her efforts to help farmers protest in a case that has drawn global attention."

Source: Reuters, 02/24/2021

"4 More States Propose Harsh New Penalties For Protesting Fossil Fuels"

"Industry-designed bills to silence climate protests are under consideration in Arkansas, Kansas, Minnesota and Montana. More are likely to come."

Source: HuffPost, 02/22/2021

Grid Data Can Guide Reporting on Power Disasters

The power and water fiasco that followed a deep freeze in Texas was a predictable debacle and, thus, a warning signal to journalists covering disasters and climate-driven weather extremes. To help, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox provides a rundown of data sources about power grids, from local, regional and national entities, and recommends you start tracking the numbers and be prepared.

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