Journalism & Media

Environmental Podcasting 101, Pt. III — Getting Out the Word, Getting In the Dough

In Part III of our three-part series on starting your own environmental journalism podcast, SEJournal’s editors explore how to get more ears listening through marketing and promotion, as well as how to fund your podcast. And don’t forget to check out Part I, which helps you find and refine your podcast concept and Part II, which looks at podcast gear and hosting strategies.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Environmental Podcasting 101, Pt. II — Gear Up and Host Smartly

In Part II of our three-part series on starting your own environmental journalism podcast, SEJournal’s editors take a look at podcast gear and hosting strategies. Plus, check out Part I, which helps you find and refine your podcast concept. Then stay tuned next week for a look at marketing/promotion and funding.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Environmental Podcasting 101, Pt. I —  Find Your Voice on the Digital Frontier

Ever considered starting your own environmental journalism podcast but weren’t sure how? SEJournal’s editors have put together a three-part series to help get the show on the digital road. Part I walks you through finding and refining your podcast concept. Then stay tuned next week for a look at podcast gear and hosting strategies.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
March 24, 2021

How To Find and Use Satellite Images in Your Stories

The Resilience Media Project at Earth Institute of Columbia University invites journalists to a Noon ET talk with Earthrise Media experts who'll explain why obtaining current satellite images is so difficult, show you what’s available and how to best access them — and how to use your images to the greatest effect.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 25, 2021

Building Climate Reporting Confidence: The South

Covering Climate Now, Climate Matters in the Newsroom and Southerly present experienced journalists, 2:30-4:00pm ET, sharing how they got up to speed on the climate issue, challenges they've faced in reporting and ideas on how to tell localized, human-centered stories to engage audiences. Includes Q&A.


"Chevron Faces an FTC Complaint Over Greenwashing"

"There may be trouble ahead for companies who claim to be helping the planet while continuing to produce fossil fuels. A coalition of green groups filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on Monday alleging that Chevron is misleading the public in its claims that it is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: Earther, 03/17/2021
March 30, 2021

Muck Rack State of Journalism 2021 Webinar

Check out the results of Muck Rack's 2021 State of Journalism survey, which SEJ partnered on. While the survey was not exclusive to environmental journalism, 25 percent of the 2400+ journalists surveyed said their work included coverage of "energy and environment." You can view or download the results and an infographic; read the blog post; and don't miss the webinar, March 30, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET.

Topics on the Beat: 


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