Environmental Studies

Greens Sue Over Study Of Deepwater Horizon Impacts On Endangered Species

"Conservation groups sued the Trump administration Wednesday, arguing it failed to fully consider the effects on endangered species when reviewing the environmental damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

Source: The Hill, 10/22/2020

"Shuffle of EPA's Science Advisers Elevates Those With Industry Ties"

"A shuffle to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) independent board of science advisers will add a longtime consultant who has worked for the tobacco and chemicals industries while promoting a member listed as someone “not to pick” by the Union of Concerned Scientists to be the panel's chair."

Source: The Hill, 10/16/2020

Another Casualty Of Coronavirus Pandemic: Trust In Government Science

"This has been the 2020 pattern: Politics has thoroughly contaminated the scientific process. The result has been an epidemic of distrust, which further undermines the nation’s already chaotic and ineffective response to the coronavirus."

Source: Washington Post, 10/13/2020

Time To Flip the Ocean Script — From Victim to Solution

The narrative around the ocean should become a more hopeful one, argues former NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco. As evidence at the Society of Environmental Journalists’ recent virtual conference, Lubchenco cites a top-level international analysis that suggests the ocean can play a positive role in everything from reducing climate change to securing the future of food. Find out more.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 27, 2021 to September 30, 2021

North American Invasive Species Management Association Annual Conference

The North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA), with the theme "Transboundary Cooperation," is holding its 28th Annual Conference virtually. Environmental journalists are invited to join conference sessions with a free press pass.


"Elusive Eastern Black Rail Threatened By Rising Sea Levels"

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared the Eastern black rail a threatened species on Wednesday, but stopped short of the stronger protections some environmentalists were seeking for the elusive bird, now imperiled by habitat destruction, sea level rise, and the increasing frequency and intensity of storms with climate change."

Source: AP, 10/08/2020

Long-Delayed Trump USGS Study Finds That Climate Threatens Polar Bears

"After stalling for months, a top Trump official released a polar bear study by government scientists Friday that highlights the endangered animals’ vulnerability to climate change and the fact that proposed oil drilling in Alaska would probably encroach on their habitat, causing more stress."

Source: Washington Post, 10/05/2020

Dems Ask Why CDC Softened Report on Virus Safety at SD Meat Plant

"A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about safety procedures at a meatpacking plant whose workers were falling ill at an alarming rate early on in the pandemic is raising new questions from Democrats about possible political interference at the agency."

Source: Washington Post, 10/01/2020


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