Environmental Studies

New Mapping Software Offers Unique View of Western Wildlife Migration

Large migratory species have been traveling across the North American continent for thousands of years. But the land has been dramatically affected, altering how these big game move about. A new data mapping site for scientists can now help environmental journalists track Western wildlife herds and their health as well. The latest from Reporter’s Toolbox.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Analysis: Mississippi Pump Proposal Evokes Strong Reactions"

"Farmers, rural shopkeepers and Mississippi politicians from both major parties are speaking out to support a proposed flood control project that would pump water from parts of the south Delta. Environmental groups remain opposed to the Yazoo Backwater Project."

Source: AP, 11/16/2020
December 2, 2020 to December 3, 2020

IJNR Virtual Workshop for Journalists: The Gulf of Mexico

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites applications for a two-day virtual workshop investigating the ecology, economy and more of the Gulf of Mexico and the U.S. Gulf Coast.


Trump Admin Removes Scientist in Charge of Assessing Climate Change

"The White House has removed the scientist responsible for the National Climate Assessment, the federal government’s premier contribution to climate knowledge and the foundation for regulations to combat global warming, in what critics interpreted as the latest sign that the Trump administration intends to use its remaining months in office to continue impeding climate science and policy."

Source: NYTimes, 11/10/2020

"Dakota Access Pipeline Fate Uncertain After Court Hearing"

"Dakota Access pipeline supporters faced a tough bench Wednesday in the latest round of a long-running legal feud over the project’s future, with federal judges appearing to lean in favor of requiring additional environmental review but conflicted on other issues."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/05/2020

"Make Science Great Again: U.S. Researchers Dream Of Life After Trump"

"From his lab in Toulouse, France, Benjamin Sanderson models the range of extreme risks to humans from climate change, research he hopes can inform policymakers planning for worsening wildfires and floods. It is the kind of work he once performed in the United States - and hopes to again soon."

Source: Reuters, 10/30/2020

Protect Nature Or Face Deadlier Pandemics Than COVID, Scientists Warn

"Pandemics will emerge more often, spread faster, cost more and kill more people than COVID-19 without bold action to halt the habitat destruction that helps viruses hop from wildlife to humans, according to a study published on Thursday."

Source: Reuters, 10/30/2020


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