Environmental Studies

"Huge Louisiana Coastal Project Receives Positive Report From The Corps"

"One of the most expensive, ambitious and controversial proposals in Louisiana’s 50-year, $50 billion bid to save the southern third of the state from disappearing like a modern-day Atlantis passed a major milestone Thursday night with the release of a mostly positive assessment from the Army Corps of Engineers."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 03/08/2021

Teaching Environmental Journalism. For the First Time. In a Pandemic.

An initiate to the ways of teaching collegiate journalism winds her way through unique obstacles of a first term under COVID-19, from students reporting in masks to class sessions on computer screens. Not to mention the already onerous challenges of training young journalists to report and write a range of environmental stories. EJ Academy has her story, from the stumbles to the successes.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 26, 2021

DEADLINE: iLCP Associate Fellow

Fellowship in the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) is for professional conservation photographers and filmmakers who devote their professional efforts to the promotion of positive conservation impacts around the globe. Apply by Mar 26, 2021 (fee applies).

April 1, 2021

DEADLINE: Green River Field Institute

This journalistic exploration of the Green River’s Desolation Canyon in Utah, Jun 12-18, 2021, will focus on inquiry, truth-telling and resonance in the realm of Western water resources, hosted by SEJ member Heather Hansman (pictured at left), author of "Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West." Register by Apr 1 or earlier; space is limited.


"UN: Huge Changes In Society Needed To Keep Nature, Earth OK"

"Humans are making Earth a broken and increasingly unlivable planet through climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. So the world must make dramatic changes to society, economics and daily life, a new United Nations report says.

Source: AP, 02/19/2021


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