Environmental Politics

"Army Corps Plans Extensive Review Of Great Lakes Tunnel Plan"

"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday it would conduct an extensive review of Enbridge Energy’s plan to build an oil pipeline tunnel beneath a Great Lakes channel in Michigan, which could significantly delay the project."

Source: AP, 06/24/2021

"Biden and Senators Close In on Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal"

"White House negotiators and a group of senators reached a tentative agreement Wednesday evening on the contours of what would be a bipartisan infrastructure agreement, with lawmakers set to brief President Biden on Thursday as details were filled in."

Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2021

"California Oil Regulators Delay Health, Safety Rules Again"

"It’s been a year and a half since California Gov. Gavin Newsom directed oil regulators to consider new health and safety measures to protect people living near oil and gas drilling sites. But those regulators missed another deadline Monday for releasing the rules, frustrating environmental advocates who say communities can’t wait any longer for change."

Source: AP, 06/23/2021

Some GOPers Find Failure to Address Climate Change a ‘Political Liability’

"A small but growing number of Republicans say the G.O.P needs a coherent climate strategy and form a “Conservative Climate Caucus” on Capitol Hill."

"WASHINGTON — When Representative John Curtis quietly approached fellow Republicans to invite them to discuss climate change at a clandestine meeting in his home state of Utah, he hoped a half dozen members might attend.

Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2021

"Western Wildfires Force Evacuations, Shut Down Recreation"

"A wildfire in northern Arizona crept closer to the region’s largest city Tuesday, threatening to force people from their homes. The lightning-caused fire near Flagstaff was one of dozens that have scorched large swaths of the U.S. West and kept firefighters busy as they hold out hope that the monsoon season will deliver some significant rain."

Source: AP, 06/23/2021


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