Environmental Politics

Canadian Governments Spent $23 Billion Supporting 3 Pipelines Since 2018

"A new report finds Canadian governments have provided billions to support pipelines — none of which have been completed to date — even as experts worry pipelines themselves undermine progress on climate goals".

Source: The Narwhal, 07/07/2021

As Time Runs Out To Cut Carbon From Buildings, Industry Tightens Its Grip

"Buildings are huge generators of planet-warming gases, with fossil fuels responsible for everything from heating and cooling to cooking and charging our devices. Experts say a massive overhaul of building efficiency is imperative within the next decade to prevent catastrophic warming."

Source: HuffPost, 07/02/2021

"Exxon Tapes Add Fuel For Congressional Investigators"

"Exxon Mobil Corp. scrambled to respond yesterday to a secretive video recording that detailed the company's lobbying practices, but the incident could be an even greater impetus for a congressional inquiry as a House subcommittee chairman continued to warn of subpoenas for top executives."

Source: E&E News, 07/02/2021

House, Setting Marker for Talks, Passes $715 Billion Infrastructure Bill

"The House on Thursday laid down its marker for this month’s infrastructure negotiations, approving a five-year, $715 billion transportation and drinking water bill that would do more to combat climate change than the Senate’s bipartisan measure embraced by President Biden."

Source: NYTimes, 07/02/2021

"White House Escalates Push For Clean Electricity Standard"

"White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy is laying out a case for Congress to pass a clean electricity standard in a budget reconciliation package, re-upping the push for climate legislation as Democratic leadership deals with competing infrastructure priorities on Capitol Hill."

Source: E&E News, 07/01/2021


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