Environmental Politics

AOC, Bowman Join Protesters at White House Demanding Climate Action

"New York Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman joined progressive activists for a protest outside the White House on Monday to demand that President Biden’s infrastructure plan prioritizes the fight against climate change, signaling he could run into resistance from members of his own party as he focuses on passing a bipartisan bill through Congress."

Source: NY Daily News, 06/29/2021

Solar Panel Stories Can Shine for Local, Regional Reporters

As the solar panel business resurges, the wide scope of possible regional and local story angles — climate, tech, consumer, business, jobs, air quality and grid reliability — make bright prospects for journalists. The latest TipSheet sets out recent political and market developments, along with more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Journalists Team Up To Continue Colleagues’ Work Exposing Mining Risks

Environmental journalists around the world sometimes pay for their work with their freedom, safety or even their lives. The Forbidden Stories network continues the reporting of some of those journalists, and a team there recently produced an award-winning collaboration to investigate troubles at mining giants in Central America, South Asia and East Africa. “The Green Blood Project” in this month’s Inside Story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"EPA Watchdog Says Trump Appointees Kept Fired Employees On Payroll"

"Two high-ranking Trump political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency arranged for a pair of agency employees to reap tens of thousands of dollars in salaries even after they were fired, according to a report from EPA’s Office of Inspector General."

Source: Politico, 06/28/2021

"Infrastructure Deal Is Back on Track After Biden’s Assurances"

"A fragile bipartisan infrastructure deal appeared to be moving forward once again on Sunday, as moderate Republicans said they had been reassured that President Biden would not hold it hostage while Democrats simultaneously work on a larger, partisan economic package."

Source: NYTimes, 06/28/2021

EPA Inaction Blamed as Bees Suffer 2nd Highest Colony Losses on Record

"Beekeepers this year in the United States reported the second highest annual loss of managed honey bee colonies since records began in 2006, according to results of a nationwide survey released Wednesday."

Source: Common Dreams, 06/25/2021

Enbridge Line 3: "Biden Administration Backs Oil Sands Pipeline Project"

"The Biden administration has defended a contentious pipeline project that would carry hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil through Minnesota’s delicate watersheds, urging in a court brief that a challenge brought by local tribes and environmental groups be thrown out."

Source: NYTimes, 06/25/2021

"Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Omits Big Climate Measures"

"A deal reached Thursday between President Biden and a bipartisan group of senators for $579 billion in new spending to repair the nation’s roads, rails and bridges does relatively little to fight climate change, an issue that the president has called an “existential threat.”"

Source: NYTimes, 06/25/2021


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