Economy & Business

Doc on Rare Porpoise Wins Sundance Award

An environmental documentary that follows a risk-laden effort to save a rare and elusive porpoise won over audiences at the recent Sundance Film Festival. Correspondent JoAnn Valenti takes a look at the film, along with other documentaries that explore the role of journalists and journalism. 

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April 23, 2019 to April 25, 2019

National Adaptation Forum

This three-day event in Madison, WI, will focus on established and emerging issues related to practical climate adaptation solutions. It's known as a great resource for finding story ideas and meeting scientists, agency staff, citizens and more. On Tuesday, April 23, Concurrent Session 3, "Overcoming Flood Amnesia: How Two Cities and Two States Are Becoming Resilient," is organized by SEJ member Penny Loeb.

April 1, 2019 to April 4, 2019


BioCycle's 32nd annual conference will bring experts together Apr 1-4, 2019 in Portland, Oregon to cover current core challenges and solutions to catalyze organics recycling.


Where Does All That Recycling Go?

Where do all those recyclables actually go? This week’s TipSheet dives into the trash to find a story worth telling — of troubling overseas dumping, problematic local incineration and a fraying patchwork of U.S. regulation. Plus, several dozen questions you might want to ask, a pair of pro tips and a dozen resources to track the story in your area.

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