Economy & Business

"I Don’t Want to Stay Here’: Half a Million Live in Flood Zones"

"When a deadly rainstorm unloaded on Houston in 2016, Sharobin White’s apartment complex flooded in up to six feet of water. She sent her toddler and 6-year-old to safety on an air mattress, but her family lost nearly everything, including their car."

Source: NY Times, 04/11/2019

"Trump Signs Orders Making It Harder To Block Pipelines"

"President Donald Trump’s support for shifting more power to states on Wednesday faded next to his affinity for oil and gas production, as he aimed to make it harder for states to block pipelines and other energy projects due to environmental concerns."

Source: AP, 04/11/2019

Bernhardt Kept Lobbying After Officially Vowing to Stop, Files Show

"A previously undisclosed invoice indicates that David Bernhardt, President Trump’s choice to lead the Interior Department, continued to lobby for a major client several months after he filed official papers saying that he had ended his lobbying activities."

Source: NY Times, 04/05/2019

"U.S. Regulator Rules Out Exxon Shareholder Vote On Climate Resolution"

"Exxon Mobil Corp is not required to let its shareholders vote on setting greenhouse gas targets, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission said on Tuesday, agreeing with the company’s request to reject the proposal."

Source: Reuters, 04/03/2019

Interior Watchdog Reviewing Allegations Of Bernhardt Ethics Violations

"The Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General is reviewing allegations that acting secretary David Bernhardt may have violated his ethics pledge by weighing in on issues affecting a former client, the office confirmed Tuesday."

Source: Washington Post, 04/03/2019


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