Economy & Business

How Wehrum’s Law Firm Profited From The Fight To Roll Back Air Rules

"The nation’s biggest coal-burning power companies paid a top lobbying firm millions of dollars to fight a wide range of Obama-era environmental rules, documents obtained by POLITICO reveal — shortly before one of the firm’s partners became President Donald Trump’s top air pollution regulator."

Source: Politico, 02/21/2019

Complaint: Interior Filled With Ex-Lobbyists Cozy with Former Employers

"Only a few short weeks after President Donald Trump nominated David Bernhardt, a former oil and agriculture industry lobbyist, to run the Interior Department, the agency is facing a slew of new allegations that top officials violated federal ethics rules by keeping cozy ties to their former employers."

Source: The Intercept, 02/21/2019

Renewables: Shell Is Buying Clean-Tech Companies. What's Going On?

"Royal Dutch Shell PLC, one of the world's largest oil companies, gave fresh signals last week that it intends to be a purveyor of low-carbon electricity. It bought a battery company that will compete with Tesla Inc. and struck a partnership with Google to test an exotic wind generator."

Source: EnergyWire, 02/20/2019

"House Opens Inquiry Into Proposed US Nuclear Venture in Saudi Arabia"

"Top Trump administration officials have pushed to build nuclear power plants throughout Saudi Arabia over the vigorous objections of White House lawyers who question the legality of the plan and the ethics of a venture that could enrich Trump allies, according to a new report by House Democrats released on Tuesday."

Source: NY Times, 02/20/2019
February 20, 2019

Webinar: Managing the Promise and Risk of Infrastructure Development

This free webinar, starting at 9:00 a.m. EST, is planned around the launch of the Arcus Foundation’s report, State of the Apes: Infrastructure Development and Ape Conservation. World Bank and conservationist experts will discuss prevention and mitigation of infrastructure-related harm to local communities, biodiversity and critical habitats. Can't make it? A replay of the video will be available after the event.


Wehrum Stayed In Close Touch With His Former Law Firm, New Emails Show

"Bill Wehrum, the Environmental Protection Agency’s top air policy official, continued to stay in close touch with employees at his former law firm after joining the Trump administration, according to documents released this week under the Freedom of Information Act."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2019

Trump Pressures TVA Not To Close Costly, Unreliable Coal Plant

"The U.S. president has joined Kentucky's governor and the coal state's U.S. senators in trying to pressure the Tennessee Valley Authority to keep a 49-year-old coal-fired power plant operating, even though the nation's largest public electric utility has concluded that the plant is unreliable, no longer needed and too expensive to repair and operate."

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/13/2019


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