Economy & Business

"Green New Deal: Group Tied To Shadowy Network Created $93T Estimate"

"What's in a number? When it comes to the $93 trillion estimate for the Green New Deal, created by its critics, the answer is found in a network of interlinked groups: a think tank, its political arm and a super political action committee. Add a web of secret donors, and eager lawmakers, and you have the blurry outlines of an echo chamber that propels an unverified claim into the orbit of Washington politics."

Source: ClimateWire, 04/02/2019

"They Grew Up Around Fossil Fuels. Now, Their Jobs Are in Renewables."

"CLAWSON, UTAH — Chris Riley comes from a coal town and a coal family, but he founded a company that could hasten coal’s decline. Lee Van Horn, whose father worked underground in the mines, spends some days more than 300 feet in the air atop a wind turbine. They, and the other people in this story, represent a shift, not just in power generation but in generations of workers as well."

Source: NY Times, 03/28/2019

New Wind and Solar Power Cheaper Than Existing Coal in Much of the U.S.

"Coal-fired power plants in the Southeast and Ohio Valley stand out. In all, 74% of coal plants cost more to run than building new wind or solar, analysts found." "Not a single coal-fired power plant along the Ohio River will be able to compete on price with new wind and solar power by 2025, according to a new report by energy analysts."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/26/2019

"Fed Researcher Warns Climate Change Could Spur Financial Crisis"

"Climate change is becoming increasingly relevant to central bankers because losses from natural disasters that are magnified by higher temperatures and elevated sea levels could spark a financial crisis, a Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco researcher found."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/26/2019

"Report: Great Lakes Feeling Effects Of Rapid Climate Warming"

"The Great Lakes region is warming faster than the rest of the U.S., a trend likely to bring more extreme storms while also degrading water quality, worsening erosion and posing tougher challenges for farming, scientists reported Thursday."

Source: AP, 03/22/2019

"Politics: After Fast Start, A Slowdown For The Green New Deal"

"Sen. Chris Van Hollen likes the Green New Deal and plans to soon support its ambitious vision of fighting climate change. but first, the Maryland Democrat has to get a couple of things in order — such as finishing up a related measure that would impose a price on carbon emissions."

Source: ClimateWire, 03/22/2019


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