Economy & Business

October 18, 2019

DEADLINE: IJNR's Asian Carp at the Gates of the Great Lakes: A Workshop for Journalists

Join the Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources in Chicago, Nov 3-5, 2019, for a workshop on Asian carp: How they got here, current efforts to protect America's waterways, and what the future of this invasive species might hold. $25 registration fee includes lodging, local travel and meals. Only a few spots left. Registration closes Oct 18 at noon ET.


"Scared Central Banks Face Up to Threats From Climate Change"

"Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was in no mood for laughter as he stood in his tuxedo before the great and good of the British insurance industry. “I’m going to give you a speech without a joke, I’m afraid,” Carney began his remarks on the night of Sept. 29, 2015, at Lloyd’s of London."

Source: Bloomberg, 09/24/2019

Climate Strike NYC: Young Crowds Demand Action, Welcome Greta Thunberg

"They packed Foley Square and the streets around City Hall, and jammed the stairs leading out of nearby subway stations. They carried handmade signs like one that said, “There is no plan(et) B,” and chanted, “Sea levels are rising and so are we!” Later, they paraded out of the square, headed to another rally at Battery Park."

Source: NY Times, 09/23/2019

"Fossil Fuel Execs To Hold Invite-Only Forum At UN Climate Summit"

"Oil and gas executives are holding an exclusive invitation-only forum with environmentalists and government representatives on the sidelines of the UN climate summit, in what critics have condemned as an attempt to influence negotiations in favour of fossil fuel companies."

Source: Guardian, 09/18/2019

Climate Change Toolkit: Latest Headlines, TipSheets, Backgrounders & More

To help better cover climate change news, including during the upcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit, Sept. 23, in New York, the SEJournal offers a range of resources. Get the latest climate change headlines and EJToday's curated climate coverage. Check out our range of climate-related Issue Backgrounders, TipSheets and Reporter's Toolboxes, plus our Climate Change Guide and more.

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"Energy Markets: FERC Eliminates Oversight Division"

"The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has eliminated its Division of Energy Market Oversight (DEMO), which is part of the agency's enforcement branch and oversees the nation's natural gas and electric power markets and related energy and financial markets."

Source: EnergyWire, 09/17/2019

Pentagon Says PFAS Cleanup Costs Will Dwarf Earlier Estimates

"Military leaders said Thursday that “forever chemical” contamination costs are likely to surpass their original $2 billion estimate as Congress works to push the Department of Defense (DOD) to clean up contaminated water across the country."

Source: The Hill, 09/13/2019


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