Economy & Business

"Climate Change Becomes an Issue for Ratings Agencies"

"One of the main agencies that rates the creditworthiness of big borrowers, including cities and corporations, has brought on board a data firm specializing in climate risks. It's a signal that rating agencies are paying more attention to global warming and its impact in the financial markets."

Source: InsideClimate News, 08/06/2019

For ‘Wonky’ Pollution Story, Making the Complex Clear

The latest Inside Story column takes a look at how one reporter turned a series of complex policy stories on renewable energy and pollution into an accessible, localized narrative — and in the process won a Society of Environmental Journalists’ explanatory reporting award. A Q&A about the project with Baltimore Sun’s Scott Dance.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Bristol Bay: EPA Kills Proposed Pebble 'Veto'"

"EPA has lifted the Obama-era proposed 'veto' of the Pebble mine, reversing a decision last year not to scrap the pending mining restrictions on the massive copper and gold project upstream from Alaska's Bristol Bay."

Source: Greenwire, 07/31/2019

"Bill Wehrum, an Architect of EPA Rollbacks, Faces New Ethics Inquiry"

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general will investigate allegations that William L. Wehrum, the agency’s former air quality chief, violated ethics rules when he met with former clients from his days as a lawyer and lobbyist for the oil, gas and coal industries."

Source: NY Times, 07/23/2019

Blackhawk Mining Files Bankruptcy, Reaches Agreement With Most Lenders

"Blackhawk Mining, which operates 10 mining complexes across West Virginia and Kentucky with about 2,800 employees, has reached an agreement with most of its lenders. The company said in a news release that it is filing bankruptcy and all of its subsidiaries must be reorganized under its Chapter 11 filing."

Source: WCHS, 07/17/2019

Could Climate Change Spark Financial Crisis? Candidates Warn Fed of Risk

"Some of the Democrats running for president are urging the U.S. central bank to actively confront climate risks to protect the nation's financial system. "

"A few of the Democrats running for president have started warning about climate change in a way that voters rarely think about yet can profoundly affect their lives. To sum it up: If you think the housing crisis was bad, wait until you see how the climate crisis plays out for financial markets.

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/16/2019


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