Economy & Business

"Climate Fwd: Following the Money That Undermines Climate Science"

"It’s difficult to figure out who’s funding climate denial, because many of the think tanks that continue to question established climate science are nonprofit groups that aren’t required to disclose their donors."

Source: NY Times, 07/11/2019

23 Governors Join California’s Push For More Efficient Cars And Trucks

"Nearly two dozen governors, including several Republicans, are imploring the Trump administration to embrace more aggressive gas mileage requirements for the nation’s cars and pickup trucks, saying the White House’s effort to weaken existing requirements could hurt consumers, automakers and the environment."

Source: Washington Post, 07/10/2019

"Moody’s Analytics Says Climate Change Could Cost $69 Trillion By 2100"

"The consulting firm Moody’s Analytics says climate change could inflict $69 trillion in damage on the global economy by the year 2100, assuming that warming hits the two-degree Celsius threshold widely seen as the limit to stem its most dire effects."

Source: Washington Post, 07/04/2019

"EPA Leaders Helped Bail Out Failed Philadelphia Refinery"

"Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and other top agency officials were closely involved with reviving a private equity-owned oil refinery that went bankrupt last year and is now shutting down after a fiery explosion last week."

Source: Greenwire, 06/28/2019
July 26, 2019

DEADLINE: Covering Community Impacts of Oil & Gas Development

SciLine will provide an all-expenses-paid, 2½-day workshop, Oct 23-25 at Penn State U, designed to arm journalists — including those without deep backgrounds in science — with the knowledge and context they need to incorporate research-based evidence into stories about how oil and gas development is affecting U.S. communities. Space is limited. Apply by Jul 26.



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