Economy & Business

"EPA Chief Of Staff Under Investigation In Document Destruction"

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general is investigating whether chief of staff Ryan Jackson was involved in destroying internal documents that should have been retained, according to two people familiar with the matter."

Source: Politico, 11/08/2019

"Wall Street Increasingly Weighs Risk From Climate Change"

"In the wake of two years of devastating wildfires in California, Wall Street is incorporating a new risk metric when evaluating companies: climate resiliency. Investors, analysts, research firms and companies are putting more emphasis on how climate issues ranging from rising sea levels to record heatwaves will affect profits and revenues in the United States and what companies are doing to address those risks."

Source: Reuters, 11/07/2019

White House Pressed Car Makers to Join Its Fight Over CA Emission Rules

"Monday’s surprise move by General Motors, Toyota and other auto giants to back President Trump in his fight with California over pollution rules came after days of White House pressure to support one of the administration’s biggest efforts to weaken climate regulations."

Source: NY Times, 10/31/2019

"Coal Giant Murray Energy Files for Bankruptcy Despite Trump’s Support"

"Murray Energy, the U.S. coal company whose founder's "wish list" was a virtual template for the Trump administration's rollback of federal environmental and climate regulations, filed for bankruptcy protection Tuesday."

Source: InsideClimate News, 10/30/2019

Another Bad-News Year Ahead for U.S. Coal?

As U.S. coal’s comedown continues, our latest Issue Backgrounder takes a close look at the factors behind the industry’s decline and finds a combination of economics, competition and shifting global markets, along with aging technology, politics and environmental pushback. What’s in store for coal in 2020?

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