Economy & Business

Coal Baron Funded Climate Denial as His Company Spiraled Into Bankruptcy

"As his coal mining company hurtled into bankruptcy, Robert E. Murray, the former chief executive, paid himself $14 million, handed his successor a $4 million bonus and earmarked nearly $1 million for casting doubt on man-made climate change, new court filings show."

Source: NY Times, 12/18/2019

Long TVA Contracts Could Stifle Southern Cities' Renewable Energy Push

"As cities in the South start exploring ways to expand renewable energy, some are running into an obstacle that could set those plans back decades: The nation's largest public utility, concerned about its income base, has started pressuring its customers to lock in long-term contracts that critics say could leave the region relying on fossil fuels for years to come."

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/16/2019

Revealed: Water Company And City Officials Knew About Flint Poison Risk

"Executives at one of the world’s largest utilities companies knew that families in Flint, Michigan, might be at risk of being poisoned by lead in their tap water months before the city publicly admitted the problem, according to internal company emails."

Source: Guardian, 12/12/2019

"EU Unveils 'Green Deal' Plan to Get Europe Carbon Neutral by 2050"

"The European Union unveiled a sweeping set of environmental initiatives on Wednesday aimed at creating the world's first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, touching everything from state aid rules to a green industrial policy and a carbon border tax on imports."

Source: Financial Times, 12/12/2019


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