
"Island Off Alabama Coast Bursting With Birds After Oil Spill"

"The 1,300-acre, man-made [Gaillard Island off Alabama's Gulf coast] is hosting more than 50,000 birds this summer as nesting pairs gather to raise babies. That number would be considered high in any year, but it's a particularly surprising sight a year after oil from the BP spill fouled surrounding waters."

Source: Reuters, 07/11/2011
January 16, 2012 to January 19, 2012

World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi

Every year, WFES gathers world leaders, international policy makers, industry leaders, investors, experts, academia, intellectuals and journalists to find practical and sustainable solutions for today's energy security, climate change challenges and the advancement of clean technology. The upcoming 5th edition of the event in Abu Dhabi will promote innovation and investment opportunities surrounding alternative energy, clean technology and environment.


EPA To Announce Secondary Standard for SOx and NOx

While primary standards are designed to protect human health, secondary standards are established to protect the environment. In the case of NOx and SOx, some of the primary targets include reduced aquatic and terrestrial acidification, and reduced nitrogen deposition on land and water.

SEJ Publication Types: 

NJ Poised To Ban Fracking, NY To Restart It

"It's been a busy week for anyone following the national debates over hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking,' the controversial method used to cut into shale rock to extract natural gas. In New Jersey, a strong bipartisan majority in both chambers of the legislature approved a bill banning fracking in the state as its neighbor to the north, New York, appeared ready to end its moratorium on the practice."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/01/2011


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