
Congress Launches Probe Into Multibillion-Dollar 'Clean Coal' Tax Credit

"The U.S. Congress is investigating a multibillion-dollar subsidy for chemically treated coal that is meant to reduce smokestack pollution, after evidence emerged that power plants using the fuel produced more smog not less."

Source: Reuters, 03/16/2021

Infrastructure Week All Year — But Will That Infrastructure Be Green?

A much-anticipated infrastructure bill in Congress could help address the United States’ poorly rated roads, pipes and powerlines. But could the massive measure also do the heavy lifting for much-needed climate policy? The latest Backgrounder takes a deep dive into the context around climate-friendly infrastructure legislation, and looks ahead on what’s expected and how to report it.

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Countries Tried to Curb Trade in Plastic Waste. The US Is Shipping More

"Data shows that American exporters continue to ship plastic waste overseas, often to poorer countries, even though most of the world has agreed to not accept it."

"When more than 180 nations agreed last year to place strict limits on exports of plastic waste from richer countries to poorer ones, the move was seen as a major victory in the fight against plastic pollution.

Source: NYTimes, 03/15/2021

"New Research Shows Just How Many Fish Are Eating Plastic"

"Each year the amount of plastic swirling in ocean gyres and surfing the tide toward coastal beaches seems to increase. So too does the amount of plastic particles being consumed by fish — including species that help feed billions of people around the world."

Source: The Revelator, 03/10/2021

Plant Emits HFC-23 That Does More Climate Damage Than All City Cars

"LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A chemical plant here that makes a raw material for everything from Teflon to lubricants used on the International Space Station also appears to do more damage to the climate than all of this city’s passenger vehicles."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/10/2021


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