
Black Community Fights Project On Coast Land Fouled By Arsenic, Lead

"One last time, residents of North Gulfport have mustered to fight development of Mississippi State Port Authority property contaminated with lead and arsenic."

Source: Biloxi Sun Herald, 02/09/2021

Small-Market Reporter Gives Readers Reason To Care

Reporter Kyle Bagenstose has impressed Society of Environmental Journalists’ awards judges three times in the last four years with his investigative and small-market beat reporting on local and regional issues in Pennsylvania. In our latest Inside Story Q&A, Bagenstose discusses his award-winning work as a beat reporter and his first-place investigative prize for a series on the cleanup of toxic firefighting chemicals from streams and aquifers around military bases.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Incinerator That Turns Waste To Energy Is Shutting Down"

"A company can no longer burn trash at a Detroit incinerator as part of an agreement with the state. Detroit Renewable Power has entered into an agreement to resolve violations of air quality and waste management rules, according to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy."

Source: AP, 02/08/2021


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