
EPA IG: Trump Official Delayed Releasing Info On Cancer Chemical In Ill.

"A Trump administration political official delayed the publication of information about a chemical that has been linked to health issues – including cancer – in Illinois, an internal government watchdog said Thursday."

Source: The Hill, 04/16/2021

"Study Finds Lower Life Expectancy Around Superfund Sites"

"New research suggests that living near hazardous waste is, unsurprisingly, harmful to health and longevity. The study found a clear link between lower life expectancy and living near a waste site, with residents in poorer neighborhoods possibly losing as much as a year of life."

Source: Earther, 04/15/2021

Computer Mapping Could Help Biden Find And Fix Polluted Neighborhoods

"Diagnosed with asthma at 8 years old, Karlaine Francisco grew up thinking everyone had it. ...  After California began making environmental data available through an online mapping tool, Francisco and others in her Filipino immigrant community realized their chronically under-invested neighborhood Little Manila suffered high air pollution and groundwater contamination."

Source: Reuters, 04/14/2021

"Florida To Close Wastewater Reservoir With Leak History"

"Florida is moving to permanently close the leaky Piney Point wastewater reservoir that poured millions of gallons of water into Tampa Bay while threatening to burst open and flood nearby homes and businesses, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday."

Source: AP, 04/14/2021

Japan Says It Plans To Release Contaminated Fukushima Water Into Sea

"Japan plans to release into the sea more than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear station, the government said on Tuesday, a decision that is likely to anger neighbours such as South Korea."

Source: Reuters, 04/13/2021


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