
"Scientist: Extent of DDT Dumping In Pacific Is ‘Staggering’"

"Marine scientists say they have found what they believe to be more than 25,000 barrels that possibly contain DDT dumped off the Southern California coast near Catalina Island, where a massive underwater toxic waste site dating back to World War II has long been suspected."

Source: AP, 04/28/2021

"Infrastructure Money Could Aid Push To Plug Oil, Gas Wells"

"By some accounts, Pennsylvania has the worst accumulation of old, unplugged, ownerless oil and gas wells in the nation. There are an estimated 200,000 of them, and the cost to plug them could exceed $6 billion. The state’s orphan well plugging program has been underfunded for decades, but it is primed to take advantage of an influx of cash."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 04/27/2021

Fla. Passes Bill To Protect Sugar Farmers From Health Hazard Suits

"Persuaded by testimony from the leaders in the Glades agriculture community that sugar burning is not harming their residents, the Florida House on Thursday sent to the governor a bill that gives the agriculture industry protection from lawsuits related to long-term health damage."

Source: Miami Herald, 04/26/2021

EPA, Virgin Islands Launch Probe After 2nd St. Croix Refinery Incident

"Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Virgin Islands officials are investigating a second accident at a controversial refinery in St. Croix after it emitted noxious fumes that prompted some schools and a vaccination site on the island to close Friday."

Source: Washington Post, 04/26/2021

There Are Massive Chemical Dumps In The Gulf We Know Almost Nothing About

"Seventy miles off the coast of Louisiana, among a maze of drilling platforms and seafloor pipelines, thousands of 55-gallon drums containing hazardous industrial chemicals litter a vast, dark swath of the ocean floor. They’ve been sitting there for nearly 50 years."

Source: HuffPost, 04/23/2021

Biden DOT Proposes Restoring Calif.'s Right To Set Car Pollution Rules

"The Transportation Department announced Thursday it was withdrawing part of a Trump-era rule that blocked states from setting their own tough car pollution standards, setting the stage for a return of broader power to California to fight climate change."

Source: LA Times, 04/23/2021


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