Environmental Politics

"Chemical Experts Question EPA’s Approval Of Coronavirus Disinfectant"

"With great fanfare, the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday gave emergency approval to a disinfectant it said would kill the coronavirus on surfaces for up to a week. ... But health and chemical experts say the cleanser might actually harm passengers and flight attendants and do little to protect against the virus, which is mainly transmitted through the air in closed spaces."

Source: Washington Post, 08/27/2020

"Pandemic Politics Undercut CDC Advice On Hurricane Shelters"

"With hurricane season in full swing, the Trump administration's public sidelining of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the coronavirus pandemic could stoke fears about the safety of hurricane shelters, experts worry."

Source: E&E News, 08/26/2020

NPR-A: "Environmental Groups Sue To Block Alaska’s Arctic Drilling"

"Environmental groups filed lawsuits aimed at halting efforts by the Trump administration to open up wide swaths of Alaska’s Arctic to oil drilling. Two separate lawsuits were filed late Monday challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to allow drilling on more than 18 million acres of land in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska."

Source: AP, 08/26/2020

"Senate Democrats Recommend Trillions In Climate Investments"

"Senate Democrats today issued a 260-page climate report recommending trillions of dollars in investments and a wide-ranging federal effort to slash greenhouse gas emissions, a preview of the party's priorities if it's able to claw back control of government in November."

Source: E&E News, 08/26/2020

Indigenous 'Women Warriors' Fight for Amazon Forest Conservation

"On an early December morning last year in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, half a dozen members of the Indigenous Guajajara people packed their bags with food, maps and drone equipment to get ready for a patrol. They said goodbye to their children, uncertain when, or whether, they would see them again. Then, they hoisted their bags over their shoulders and set out to patrol a section of the 173,000 hectares (428,000 acres) of the primary rainforest they call home."

Source: Mongabay, 08/25/2020

"Half Million Acres on Oil Auction Block as Greens Fear Land Rush"

"The Interior Department is set to auction oil and gas drilling rights to an area of federal land roughly twice the size of Los Angeles over the next six weeks, as part of its first oil and gas lease sales since March."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/25/2020

"Thousands Allowed To Bypass Environmental Rules In Pandemic"

"Thousands of oil and gas operations, government facilities and other sites won permission to stop monitoring for hazardous emissions or otherwise bypass rules intended to protect health and the environment because of the coronavirus outbreak, The Associated Press has found."

Source: AP, 08/25/2020

Dems’ Climate Plan Takes Aim At The Fossil Industry’s Political Power

"Senate Democrats are set to release a 200-page plan arguing that significant US climate action will require stripping the fossil fuel industry of its influence over the government and the public’s understanding of the crisis."

Source: Guardian, 08/25/2020


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