Environmental Politics

Youth Activist Groups Push Climate Into Voting Booths

A key Democratic primary win in Massachusetts last week appears to portend a weather change in climate politics, with youth groups helping propel the issue into November’s polling places. Reporter’s Toolbox helps environmental journalists cover the shift by cataloging some of the biggest youth climate activist groups with local chapters and large geographic reach.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"US Regulators Take Public Comments On Nuclear Fuel Plan"

"U.S. nuclear regulators have hosted their final public hearing on a proposal to build a multibillion-dollar complex in southern New Mexico to store spent nuclear fuel from commercial power plants around the country, and there’s still disagreement about whether granting a license to Holtec International would be a good thing."

Source: AP, 09/07/2020

NEPA: "Judge Considers Freezing ‘Political’ Environmental Review Rule"

"A federal judge took a no-nonsense approach Friday to a hearing on the White House’s rewrite of federal environmental review standards, grilling conservation groups on how they’ll be harmed and chiding the Justice Department for glossing over the political motivations behind the rules."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/07/2020

"Americans Back Tough Limits on Building in Fire and Flood Zones"

"Americans support far more aggressive government regulation to fight the effects of climate change than elected officials have been willing to pursue so far, new research shows, including outright bans on building in flood- or fire-prone areas — a level of restrictiveness almost unheard-of in the United States."

Source: NYTimes, 09/07/2020

"Trump Administration Proposes Timber Sale In Tongass National Forest"

"The Trump administration on Friday proposed a sale that would allow logging across thousands of acres of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, which critics say will exacerbate climate change and harm wildlife habitats."

Source: The Hill, 09/07/2020


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