Environmental Politics

"Tribal Groups Warn Inhofe Bill Could Undermine Sovereignty"

"Legislation being discussed by some members of Oklahoma’s congressional delegation to address a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision threatens to undermine tribal sovereignty, several Native American groups warned in a letter this week to Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe."

Source: AP, 08/17/2020

"How Utilities Use Secret Campaigns Against Climate Action"

"Federal investigators have accused Ohio's recently deposed House speaker of running a racketeering ring. The question now is whether they will charge the utility that financed it. The case has significant implications for how corporations seek to shape public opinion on climate and energy policy. Electric utilities have joined the rush to employ dark money groups since 2010, when the Supreme Court eased restrictions on corporate spending in elections."

Source: E&E News, 08/17/2020

"Trump Exiting Paris Accord Will Harm US Economy – LSE Research"

"Withdrawing from the Paris agreement does not make economic sense for the US, a group of economists has argued, as the cost of clean energy has fallen since the agreement was signed in 2015, while the risks of climate catastrophe have increased."

Source: Guardian, 08/14/2020

"6 Former EPA Bosses Call For Agency Reset After Election"

"Six former Environmental Protection Agency chiefs called Wednesday for a “reset” at the agency after President Donald Trump’s regulation-chopping, industry-minded first term, backing a detailed plan by former EPA staffers that ranges from renouncing political influence in regulation to boosting climate-friendly electric vehicles."

Source: AP, 08/13/2020

Harris Will Make Racial Justice a Key Part of Biden Climate Agenda

"Kamala Harris made history on Tuesday, becoming the first Black woman to be the vice presidential pick on a major party ticket. But she makes history in other ways, too. Her addition to Team Biden will focus a new spotlight on an issue Harris has championed in the Senate: addressing the racism of environmental pollution."

Source: Mother Jones, 08/13/2020

Border Wall Water Use Threatens Endangered Species, Enviros Say

"A government assessment recently obtained by an environmental group appears to link a well the group says is used in U.S.-Mexico border wall construction to low water levels in wildlife habitats at an Arizona refuge with endangered species."

Source: The Hill, 08/12/2020


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