Environmental Politics

‘Suezmax’ Oil Tankers Could Soon Ply Poisoned Waters of Texas’ Lavaca Bay

"Fishermen and environmentalists say a plan to export crude would require dredging mercury-laced sediment in a Superfund site, imperling oyster reefs and the natural habitat."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/31/2021

Texas Storm And Outages Killed Hundreds More People Than The State Says

"The true number of people killed by the disastrous winter storm and power outages that devastated Texas in February is likely four or five times what the state has acknowledged so far. A BuzzFeed News data analysis reveals the hidden scale of a catastrophe that trapped millions of people in freezing darkness, cut off access to running water, and overwhelmed emergency services for days."

Source: BuzzFeed News, 05/31/2021

Biden Officials Condemned For Backing Trump-Era Alaska Drilling Project

"Joe Biden’s administration is facing an onslaught of criticism from environmentalists after opting to defend the approval of a massive oil and gas drilling project in the frigid northern reaches of Alaska."

Source: Guardian, 05/28/2021

As Drought Worsens, Tensions Over Control of SoCal’s Water Supplier

"Southern California’s biggest water supplier has chosen a new general manager — but the selection isn’t yet final, and the fiercely contested vote is exposing deep disagreements within the powerful agency as a severe drought grips the region.

The Metropolitan Water District’s board of directors voted this month to select Adel Hagekhalil to lead the agency, The Times has learned, replacing longtime head honcho Jeff Kightlinger, who is retiring. Hagekhalil runs L.A.'s Bureau of Street Services and was previously second-in-command at the city’s sanitation department.

Source: LA Times, 05/27/2021

Biden FWS Listing of Lesser Prairie Chicken Could Spark Fight in Oil Patch

"The Biden administration called for new protections under the Endangered Species Act for an iconic bird of the Great Plains on Wednesday, a move with major consequences for the oil and gas industry."

Source: Washington Post, 05/27/2021

"Biden Administration Defends Huge Alaska Oil Drilling Project"

"The Biden administration is defending a huge Trump-era oil and gas project in the North Slope of Alaska designed to produce more than 100,000 barrels of oil a day for the next 30 years, despite President Biden’s pledge to pivot the country away from fossil fuels."

Source: NYTimes, 05/27/2021

"Groups Accuse Tennessee Valley Authority Of Misusing Funds"

"Four environmental organizations on Wednesday asked the Tennessee Valley Authority’s internal watchdog to investigate whether the nation’s largest public utility misused ratepayer money for lobbying and litigation that fought federal environmental regulations."

Source: AP, 05/27/2021


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