Environmental Politics

"Chemical Giants Hid Dangers Of ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Food Packaging"

"Chemical giants DuPont and Daikin knew the dangers of a PFAS compound widely used in food packaging since 2010, but hid them from the public and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), company studies obtained by the Guardian reveal."

Source: Guardian, 05/14/2021

OSHA Failed to Protect Food Workers. Can a New Director Keep Them Safe?

"The federal agency largely failed people on farms, in restaurants, and in meat-processing facilities during the pandemic. Labor leaders hope Cal/OSHA’s Doug Parker will steer the ship right."

Source: Civil Eats, 05/14/2021

Emails Show Mining Industry, Home-Builders Shaped Arizona Water Bill

"Newly released emails reveal that lawyers and lobbyists for mining companies, developers and the agriculture industry had a hand behind the scenes in shaping Arizona’s newly adopted law on clean-water rules for rivers and streams."

Source: Arizona Republic, 05/14/2021

"U.S. Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory, EPA Warns"

"For years, President Donald Trump and his deputies played down the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels and delayed the release of an Environmental Protection Agency report detailing climate-related damage. But on Wednesday, the EPA released a detailed and disturbing account of the startling changes that Earth’s warming had on parts of the United States during Trump’s presidency."

Source: Washington Post, 05/13/2021

"Reaching Back To The New Deal, Biden Proposes A Civilian Climate Corps"

"It's a tough time to be a young person. COVID-19 has robbed many of them of experiences and plans. Their unemployment rate remains high. College enrollment is down. To address those concerns and bolster preparedness for a warming world, President Biden wants to retool and relaunch one of the country's most celebrated government programs: the Civilian Conservation Corps."

Source: NPR, 05/12/2021

Environmental Justice: EPA Chief Steps Into Contentious Chicago Project

"EPA Administrator Michael Regan late last week intervened in what is being described as a civil rights case in the southeast side of Chicago, in an overburdened majority-Latino community where another car shredder is proposed."

Source: E&E News, 05/12/2021


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