Environmental Health

"Colorado Researchers Probe Parkinson's Disease Causes, Treatments"

"The corn rows are high and tassled, pumpkins are gaining girth and, amid these signs the fall harvest is near, evidence is growing that farmers and others who live or work around pesticides are at greater risk for neurogenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease."

Source: Denver Post, 09/02/2014

New Study: Gas Workers Could Be Exposed To Dangerous Benzene Levels

"A new study out this month reveals unconventional oil and natural gas workers could be exposed to dangerous levels of benzene, putting them at a higher risk for blood cancers like leukemia. Benzene is a known carcinogen that is present in fracking flowback water. It’s also found in gasoline, cigarette smoke and in chemical manufacturing. As a known carcinogen, benzene exposures in the workplace are limited by federal regulations under OSHA. But some oil and gas production activities are exempt from those standards."

Source: StateImpact Pennsylvania, 08/29/2014

"Food Producers to Offer Data on Chemical Additives"

""Big food producers are moving to try to head off criticism of how they use additives, with a main industry group saying it plans to give more information to regulators about how companies determine the safety of the thousands of chemicals and other ingredients in processed foods."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/28/2014


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