Environmental Health

Duwamish Residents Face Health Threat As EPA Chooses Superfund Cleanup

"The residents of south Seattle's 98108 ZIP code, some living cheek-by-jowl with the Duwamish River Superfund site, face a high degree of environmental health threats and are likely to live sicker and die younger than residents of other Seattle neighborhoods, says a new report by two nonprofit groups."

Source: Investigate West, 03/28/2013

Food Safety Testing Requirement Axed In White House Review

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in January proposed a food safety rule that lacked a requirement for food makers to actually test for germs. The requirement had been removed by a shadowy White House office known as OIRA -- where industry can lobby in secret to overturn science-based rules such as this one, meant to prevent one million illnesses per year.

Source: Huffington Post, 03/27/2013

White House Backs Rollback of Cleanup Standards for Nuclear Incidents

"WASHINGTON -- The White House has endorsed a plan to relax long-held standards for cleaning up radioactive material released by a nuclear power plant disaster or act of terrorism, a group of federal officials say in a new draft report."

Source: Global Security Newswire, 03/26/2013

Pa. Judge Orders Marcellus Shale Fracking Settlement Records Unsealed

"A Washington County judge [Wednesday] morning ordered unsealed a court-approved settlement between Marcellus Shale development companies and a family that claimed the drilling operations damaged their health."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 03/22/2013


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