Environmental Health

"Illinois Bill To Reduce Flame Retardants Fizzles in Committee"

"As nearly a dozen states consider legislation that would ban toxic flame retardants, Illinois apparently will remain on the sidelines of a growing debate about chemicals linked to cancer, developmental problems and impaired fertility."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 03/21/2013

"EPA Likely To Delay Climate Rules for New Power Plants"

"The Obama administration is leaning toward revising its landmark proposal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants, according to several individuals briefed on the matter, a move that would delay tougher restrictions and could anger many environmentalists."

Source: Wash Post, 03/18/2013

"Sailors Sue Japan Nuclear Plant Owner, Saying Disaster Made Them Sick"

"Within weeks of setting off a geiger counter and scrubbing three layers of skin off his hands and arms, former Navy quartermaster Maurice Enis recalled being pressured to sign away U.S. government liability for any future health problems."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/13/2013


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