"Obama Appoints New Energy And Climate Change Adviser"
"Dan Utech, a longtime Washington insider, has been named as President Barack Obama's new advisor on energy and climate change, a White House official said."
"Dan Utech, a longtime Washington insider, has been named as President Barack Obama's new advisor on energy and climate change, a White House official said."
"Thirsty California may get a smidgen of rain this coming week, but it is not likely to change what, so far, has been the driest calendar year in recorded history."
"MIAMI BEACH — In the most dire predictions, South Florida’s delicate barrier islands, coastal communities and captivating subtropical beaches will be lost to the rising waters in as few as 100 years."
"World governments meeting in Poland from Monday are likely to make only modest progress in reaching a 2015 deal to fight climate change, with concern over economic growth at least partially eclipsing scientists' warnings of rising temperatures."
"Australia will not be represented by a senior elected member of the Abbott government at next week's major round of international climate change negotiations starting Monday in Warsaw."
"World governments are likely to recoil from plans for an ambitious 2015 climate change deal at talks next week, concern over economic growth at least partially eclipsing scientists' warnings of rising temperatures and water levels."
"Voters in Virginia narrowly elected Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor over Republican Ken Cuccinelli II, who differed among other things on the future of the state's coal industry. Mr. McAuliffe supported new EPA regulations on power plants that will make it difficult for new coal plants to be bought."
Lack of understanding of climate science seems to be a hallmark of mainstream media's coverage of global warming. Case in point: the "pause."
"PARIS — Major polluters must immediately begin to reduce greenhouse gas emissions if the rise in global temperatures is to be held in check without paying a higher price later, according to a report Tuesday from the United Nations Environment Program."
"This past summer, Aedes aegypti—the invasive African mosquito best known for carrying the potentially deadly diseases dengue and yellow fever—made its unexpected debut in California, squirming up from Madera to Clovis to Fresno and the Bay Area."