Climate Change

October 30, 2013

Panel Discussion: Emissions Images from the Mixing Layer

NYC is a Methane Ticking Time Bomb. The Cooper Union invites you to learn why via science, legal and citizen experts at this free public event, 6:30-8:30 p.m.


"The Supreme Court Case That Could Upend Obama's Climate Agenda"

"By agreeing to hear a narrowly focused challenge to one portion of the Obama administration's global-warming regulatory agenda, the Supreme Court on Tuesday cast uncertainty on the scope and timing of President Obama's ambitious efforts to fight climate change—an issue on which, like his signature health care law, he hopes to build his legacy."

Source: National Journal, 10/16/2013

Climate Adaptation Story Reaches Tipping Point

This special report on climate change adaptation will help environmental journalists better understand and cover this growing topic. Top-notch beat reporters share how to best get at the nuts and bolts of adaptation in coastal communities and agricultural ones, a leading communications thinker shares insights into the “message” of adaptation, and we provide snapshots of a few of the many noteworthy adaptation projects, as well as the special challenges faced in one developing nation.

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