Economy & Business

"Michael Dourson Tapped To Lead U.S. EPA Chemical Program"

"Michael Dourson, President Donald J. Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency’s office that oversees commercial chemicals and pesticides, is a board-certified toxicologist with decades of experience in risk assessment. Dourson’s close ties to the chemical industry, however, have some environmental groups raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest."

Source: C&EN, 07/19/2017

‘Cut Through Fog’ to Cover Trump’s Fast-Moving Environmental Policy Changes

Policy experts and reporters at an SEJ forum in Seattle July 6 cautioned that environmental journalists must go into overdrive to keep up with fast and furious changes coming during the Trump Administration. Get more in our SEJ News coverage. Photo: Former EPA official Dennis McLerran, left, fields a query from moderator Jeff Burnside. Read McLerran's full remarks here.

SEJ Publication Types: 

“Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River”

Writer David Owen's “Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River” tells the story of the Colorado, while exploring water issues ranging from drought and climate degradation to cross-state and cross-border legal complexities.

SEJ Publication Types: 

“Hot, Hungry Planet: The Fight to Stop a Global Food Crisis in the Face of Climate Change”

Author Lisa Palmer tackles a question many experts in the natural and social sciences are also pondering: How can we feed a growing world population in the coming decades when climate change is stressing global food production systems?

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Natural Gas Building Boom Fuels Climate Worries, Enrages Landowners"

"They landed, one after another, in 2015: plans for nearly a dozen interstate pipelines to move natural gas beneath rivers, mountains and people's yards. Like spokes on a wheel, they'd spread from Appalachia to markets in every direction."

Source: NPR, 07/17/2017

Trump Admin Reduces Royalty Rates In First U.S. Oil, Gas Lease Sale

"The Trump administration on Thursday announced its first offshore oil and gas lease sale, offering 76 million acres (30 million hectares) in the Gulf of Mexico and reduced royalty rates for shallow-water leases to encourage drilling at a time of low oil prices."

Source: Reuters, 07/17/2017
July 31, 2017

DEADLINE: Illuminating Today's Japan for American Audiences

One U.S.-based journalist will be selected on the quality of story idea for a 19-day reporting trip in Japan in the fall 2017, organized by the International Center for Journalists. Examples of issues that journalists could explore include business, trade, energy, culture, immigration and climate change.


"The Deep Industry Ties of Trump’s Deregulation Team"

"President Trump entered office pledging to cut red tape, and within weeks, he ordered his administration to assemble teams to aggressively scale back government regulations. But the effort — a signature theme in Mr. Trump’s populist campaign for the White House — is being conducted in large part out of public view and often by political appointees with deep industry ties and potential conflicts."

Source: NY Times, 07/11/2017

"Towns Sell Their Public Water Systems — And Come To Regret It"

"LAKE STATION, Ind. — This hard-luck town just south of Chicago is weighing a decision confronting many small and midsize cities with shrinking populations and chronic budget deficits: whether to sell the public water system to a for-profit corporation."

Source: Washington Post, 07/10/2017


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