Economy & Business

EPA Toxics Nominee Provided Koch-Funded Study In Chicago Petcoke Battle

"Advocates concerned about pollution from petroleum coke are worried an Ohio professor’s study downplaying the risks will gain new prominence now that he has been named to a key EPA post."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 09/12/2017

"VW to Build Electric Versions of All 300 Models by 2030"

"Volkswagen AG is putting its full force behind a shift into electric cars as the world’s largest automaker accelerates away from combustion engines and tries to draw a line under the emissions-cheating scandal that’s weighed on the company for two years."

Source: Bloomberg, 09/12/2017

Despite Irma, Florida Rep. Aims To Let Companies Hide Climate Risks

"The Republican congressman from one of Hurricane Irma’s hardest hit counties is leading a legislative effort to let companies conceal how climate change affects their businesses. Only weeks before the storm came ashore, Florida U.S. Rep. Bill Posey reintroduced legislation designed to bar federal regulators from forcing companies to better disclose their climate-related risks to their shareholders."

Source: International Business Times, 09/12/2017

"Oil And Gas: What's Driving High Break-Even Prices On Public Lands?"

"Oil and gas producers might have a harder time breaking even in shale plays containing federally controlled land, but that may have little to do with the regulatory and permitting burdens associated with extracting hydrocarbons from public acreage, energy researchers say."

Source: EnergyWire, 08/29/2017


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