Economy & Business

"Most Harvey Flood Victims Uninsured, Face Big Bills Alone"

"Homeowners suffering flood damage from Harvey are more likely to be on the hook for losses than victims of prior storms — a potentially crushing blow to personal finances and neighborhoods along the Gulf Coast. Insurance experts say only a small fraction of homeowners in Harvey’s path of destruction have flood insurance."

Source: AP, 08/29/2017

"Exxon Misled the Public on Climate Change, Study Says"

"As Exxon Mobil responded to news reports in 2015 that said that the company had spread doubt about the risks of climate change despite its own extensive research in the field, it urged the public to “read the documents” for themselves. Now two Harvard researchers have done just that, reviewing nearly 200 documents representing Exxon’s research and its public statements and concluding that the company “misled the public” about climate change even as its own scientists were recognizing greenhouse gas emissions as a risk to the planet."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2017

"Broader Relaxation Of Environmental Rules Seen Coming From Foxconn"

"Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to exempt Foxconn from state wetland restrictions may do more to attract smaller developments in the future than it will to lure the electronics giant to Wisconsin, critics of the plan say."

Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 08/21/2017

Trump Environmental Rule Rollback — Tracking the Trackers

The Trump administration has moved aggressively to roll back environmental and energy-related rules, so much so that keeping tabs on all the developments has become a major challenge. To help reporters get the lay of the land, this week's TipSheet has a roundup of more than a dozen regulatory tracking reports. Track the trackers.

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In Egypt, Rising Sea Raises Worries About Climate Change's Effects

"On Egypt's Mediterranean coast, August should be prime tourist season. But the seaside restaurants in Alexandria are almost empty. Worries over security are keeping a lot of foreign tourists away. But there's a much bigger worry looming: that hotter weather and a disappearing shoreline could make Egypt's prospects even worse."

Source: NPR, 08/15/2017

Scrapping Climate Protections Would Erase $300 Billion in Benefits

"The Trump administration has been systematically dismantling the nation's climate change regulations, often claiming a high cost of compliance as justification. But a new study says keeping those rules would actually save nearly $300 billion a year by 2030."

Source: InsideClimate News, 08/08/2017


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