Economy & Business

Trump Plans to Shift Infrastructure Funding to Cities, States, Business

"President Trump will lay out a vision this coming week for sharply curtailing the federal government’s funding of the nation’s infrastructure and calling upon states, cities and corporations to shoulder most of the cost of rebuilding roads, bridges, railways and waterways."

Source: NY Times, 06/08/2017

Award-Winner Looks Ahead to Prospects of a Perfect Storm

Extreme weather hypotheticals can be hard to cover. But when news teams Texas Tribune and ProPublica partnered on an award-winning investigation into how a major hurricane in Houston could kill thousands and cripple the national economy, they produced an innovative digital reporting package that brought home the human impacts.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"China Looks to Capitalize on Clean Energy as U.S. Retreats"

"China’s devastating pollution problems began here, in coal country, where legions of workers toiled and often died to exhume the rich deposits that fueled the country’s sooty rise to economic power. Today, these muddy plains are home to a potent symbol of China’s new ambition: to bypass the United States and cement its dominant role in clean energy."

Source: NY Times, 06/06/2017

"Mayor Peduto Slams Trump For Name-Dropping Pittsburgh"

"When Bill Peduto campaigned this spring for re-election, he banked on Pittsburghers’ distaste for the president. The mayor aired a 30-second TV spot that knocked Donald Trump over health care and education, even calling him a New England Patriots fan."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/02/2017

Bucking Trump, Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord

"Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord, despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement."

Source: NY Times, 06/02/2017


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