
"One-Fifth Of Mekong River Fish Species Face Extinction, Report Says"

"Unsustainable development threatens the health and diverse fish populations of the Mekong river, with one-fifth of fish species in Southeast Asia's main artery facing extinction, a report by conservation groups said on Monday."

Source: Reuters, 03/05/2024

Chemical Safety Board May Have Finally Cleaned Its Slate. What Now?

A key U.S. federal agency tasked with investigating the nation’s industrial chemical accidents has been limping along for years. Now, the latest Issue Backgrounder reports that replenished staffing and a funding boost may mean it’s found its footing. But as the pace of chemical accidents accelerates and safety regulations stagnate, will it make a difference?

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March 1, 2024

Climate Justice Series: Resource Extraction and Energy Equity in India

This event will explore the current situation in India, what policies are being proposed, and the future of marginalized coal-communities. It's the latest installment of a series examining social and economic justice issues related to climate change and the energy transition in India. 10:00-11:30 ET.


‘Carbon Colonialism’ Details the Exporting of Degradation, Climate Collapse

The climate change debate is often so focused on fossil fuels and mining that it ignores impacts in economic, political, neo-colonial and social terms, writes BookShelf’s Melody Kemp in her review of “Carbon Colonialism: How Rich Countries Export Climate Breakdown.” Why concepts like corporate social responsibility do little to stem the losses that come with such development.

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Rockets and Bombs and Chemicals — The Environmental Horrors of War

With the world in the midst of wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, it’s time for journalists to appraise — and report on — the intersection of conflict and the environment, argues the new Backgrounder. That means considering the environment not only as a victim of war, but also as the cause of war and a means of carrying it out.

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