"Why Is China Upping Coal Power Despite Green Energy Boom?"
"The world has pledged to wean itself off 'dirty' coal to slow the pace of climate change, so why is China - already the world's top producer and consumer of coal - upping its output?"
"The world has pledged to wean itself off 'dirty' coal to slow the pace of climate change, so why is China - already the world's top producer and consumer of coal - upping its output?"
"With less than a month before the annual U.N. Climate Change Conference, China is so far defying pressure to set ambitious climate targets early and to do more to help poor nations cope with the ravages of a warming world."
"Enormous swathes of pristine forest are being cut down across Indonesia to supply the rapidly rising international demand for biomass material seen as critical to many countries’ transitions to cleaner forms of energy."
The displacement of populations by climate impacts, while not a new phenomenon in human history, is worsening in the face of global warming’s extreme weather patterns. Yet the extensive international regime to aid refugees doesn’t cover those migrating due to flooding, drought, natural disasters or climate change. Backgrounder considers the implications and how nations will respond to the new realities.
"Floods in Bangladesh have destroyed an estimated 1.1 million metric tons of rice, according to data from the agriculture ministry, prompting the country to ramp up imports of the staple grain amid soaring food prices."
"Coal has powered the world's factories, heated homes and fuelled economies for more than a century - and usage driven by the power sector continues to rise despite global promises to kick the habit and save the climate."