Antarctica & Arctic

"U.S. Appoints Coordinator For Arctic Policy As Mineral Race Heats Up"

"The Trump administration appointed a coordinator for policy in the Arctic on Wednesday, as Washington prepares to compete with Russia and China on resource extraction in a region quickly melting due to climate change."

Source: Reuters, 07/30/2020

"My Midlife Crisis as a Russian Sailor"

"For a book project about 16th-century polar explorer William Barents, Andrea Pitzer needed to reach the remote Arctic island where he and his men came to grief. She booked passage on an expeditionary boat out of Murmansk, then headed north on a trip marked by unforgettable scenery, unexpected loss, and wild magic that changed her life."

Source: Outside, 07/28/2020

“Flight Lines: Across the Globe on a Journey With the Astonishing Ultramarathon Birds”

Weighing in at little more than a couple of pats of butter, the remarkable grey plover undergoes an epic migration of thousands of miles. A new volume captures the wonder of this tiny shorebird, as well as worries over its rapidly declining numbers and possible extinction. Melody Kemp reviews “Flight Lines” in this month’s BookShelf.

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Environmental Catastrophe Declared In Massive Arctic Tundra Oil Spill

"Large territories of rivers, streams and tundra lands are covered by more than 20 thousands tons of diesel oil from a reservoir owned by company Nornickel. The catastrophe was reported to the authorities only two days after the spill and nobody really knows how to clean up."

Source: Barents Observer, 06/05/2020


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