
Get Feet Wet on Coastal Adaptation

Special Report: Part Three


Americans — and humans in general — have long flocked to the coasts. Thirty-nine percent of the U.S. population, or about 123 million of us, live in coastal counties. But many in coastal areas are finding it increasingly less hospitable due to sea-level rise and extreme weather events linked to climate change. As communities figure out how to adapt to these changes, it is often environmental journalists who are being asked to cover these complex stories.

October 30, 2013

Panel Discussion: Emissions Images from the Mixing Layer

NYC is a Methane Ticking Time Bomb. The Cooper Union invites you to learn why via science, legal and citizen experts at this free public event, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

October 26, 2013

Protecting NY's Food Shed from FRACing and GMO

Food, GMOs & FRACing don't mix. The organization Stop the Minisink Compression Station invites journalists to cover their rally, taking place at Union Square in Manhattan, noon-2pm.



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