"Supermarkets Failing To Curb Harmful Emissions, Study Finds"

"WASHINGTON — America's 12 largest supermarkets and retailers are failing to curb their hydrofluorocarbon emissions, adding large amounts of greenhouse gases to the environment, according to a new report."

The report, published by the nonprofit Environmental Investigation Agency, examined 12 retailers, including Costco, Whole Foods Markets, Target, Wal-Mart and the Delhaize Group, whose brands include Food Lion and Bottom Dollar Food.

Hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, are a class of compounds used in commercial refrigeration and air conditioning units. They are the fastest-growing greenhouse gas, and by 2050 will make up 9 percent of global CO2 emissions, according to the Environmental Investigation Agency."

Lucy Westcott reports for Capital News Service (Phillip Merrill College of Journalism) October 18, 2013.

Source: Capital News Service, 10/21/2013