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International Union of Forest Research Organizations - 2014 World Congress

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) - the World's Forest Science Network - is the largest global network for forest science cooperation. It unites more than 15,000 scientists in 650 member organizations in over 120 countries.
Held every five years, the IUFRO World Congress is a premier global networking event, providing delegates with a unique opportunity to share experiences and learn what others are doing to protect, manage, and use forests around the world. This is only the second time in the organization's history that its World Congress is being held in the United States.
Media professionals are encouraged to attend. All attendees with a media/press pass will have access to the conference plenary, sub-plenary and technical sessions, the media room and press events, and entry to the expo floor on Thursday, 9 October from 16:00-18:00. Additional access may be requested, if necessary. Media are welcome to purchase tickets to special events such as Welcome Reception, the Exposition Hall Grand Opening Reception, the Farewell Gala, and In-Congress tours.
We look forward to seeing you there!